Our Christian Faith

One Youth Global, our Christian faith is our guiding light, igniting resilience and purpose. Rooted in love, we impact African youths through community support, fostering leaders with unwavering values, and building a legacy of positive change.

Our Values Represents

One Youth upholds Christian values, providing a transformative platform for African youths to thrive in resilience, service, community, and empowerment.

Godly Foundation

We instill a strong godly foundation, guiding African youths towards ethical decision-making and compassionate leadership.


We promote resilience, empowering youths to overcome challenges with hope and determination

Community Support

We encourage community service and support, fostering a sense of responsibility and solidarity among African youths

Youth Empowerment

Through One Youth, African youths gain a sense of purpose, self-worth, and empowerment to positively impact their communities

Our Christian Approach

We impact lives on a daily basis with our Christian Values and Principles

As leaders at One Youth, our approach to faith revolves around the transformative power of Christ in the lives of African youth. Rooted in love, hope, and compassion, our mission is to provide a guiding light for young minds. We believe in nurturing resilience, instilling moral fortitude, and fostering a sense of purpose.

Through our commitment to Christian principles, we empower African youth to overcome challenges, serve their communities, and embrace lives of significance. At One Youth, faith is not just a belief; it's a catalyst for positive change, creating a foundation upon which young lives flourish with unwavering values and boundless potential